
I’m a father of two and a husband - our family is my world. We live in San Jose, CA.

Part 91 general aviation ASEL+G, taildraggers, backcountry and sailplanes. I also have a long history with radio controlled model aircraft; from gliders to helicopters, to planes and FPV quads. At this stage of my aviation journey, I’m rocking a 1947 Cessna 140 “Miniwagon” taildragger, setup for lite backcountry camping.
Vehicular hobbies

HPD 291hp WRX wagon, daily driving Club Miata with top down (unless it rains!) and owning, and modding multiple bikes: Suzuki DRZ400 “Slug”, KTM 990SD “Super Duke”, KTM 390 “Baby Duke” and Honda Grom “Stunt”.

Since childhood into present, from 8-Bit Atari 800 line to PCs, to Linux and embedded systems. Assembly programming TRSs in Dos, started with Linux on kernel 0.97, did AP Comp-Sci freshmen year in high school, got Computer Engineering degree from UIUC with internship at Microsoft Xbox Live. Compiled or interpreted, strictly typed vs not, imperative vs functional, B to GiB, Khz to Ghz, TTL to VLSI - I’ve dun it!
Amateur Radio

Ham Radio is my newest hobby. For now I’m a FCC licensed ‘Technician’ and enjoy QRP mobile operations. Initially APRS on 2m attracted me, but now I focus on HF and got into CW (morse code) and JS8.
3D printing and design

3D printing complements my other hobbies and I’m a big fan of FDM for prototyping projects. Parametric design in FreeCAD is very satisfying, while watching a large delta printer do its thing is mesmarizing.
I work as a Systems Engineer and an SRE for a transportation company on projects involving the intersection of data mining, human machine interfaces and automation.

Previously, I was a research engineer at University of Illinois, then University of Chicago, working on 100GiB+ high BDP networking, private clusters, data mining and genome sequencing.
Moved to Bay Area to do SRE work on Google Search, Google internal CMS, Gmail, Calendar and other projects.