I’m making available my CWmouse iambic paddle for purchase.
I designed it for my own use as a lightweight, hand-held, portable paddle based on micro-switches. Use of these switches gives it a crisp action not unlike that of a mouse button or a mechanical keyboard.
I’m so happy with the final result, that I decided sell them.
For more information, high resolution pictures and to order one, visit cwmouse.com.
The CWMouse has a very positive feel and no false symbols. You’ve never used a paddle like this before. Imagine crisp mouse button action or mechanical keyboard in a paddle! I built it for me, but I’m selling to everyone looking for a lightweight and precise paddle on a budget price!
It is designed in FreeCAD and pre-assembled from seven 3d printed parts:
- main case
- top cover
- 2x paddles
- 2x paddle bottom posts
- micro-switches tray
Additionally, following components are used in the assembly:
- three machine bolts
- four sealed ball bearing races
- two sealed micro-switches
- an audio jack
- ruberrized compound for paddle movement dampening
Available for purchase on ebay.